McFarlain's Family Restaurant AD / TR

McFarlain's Family Restaurant AD / TR

Address: IMAX Entertainment Complex, Branson, 3562 Shepherd of the Hills Expy, 65616
Contact Phone: (417) 337-8455
Categories: DINING
McFarlain's Family Restaurant is chock full of delicious, home-cooked meals.  You won't want to miss the melt-in-your-mouth cornbread or the perfectly blended tart/sweet Traffic Jam Pie!  

Good clean family fun happens when unsuspecting guests sit at a slowly rising table!  Watch out - the joke just might be on you!

Certificate may not be applied to sales tax or gratuity.    No discounts will be allowed with the use of this certificate.  Not valid with retail items or whole pies. 


Take Hwy 65 to 248/Shepherd of the Hills. Follow 248 and turn left onto Shepherd of the Hills. Follow Shepherd of the Hills approximately 3 miles, IMAX is located on the right side of the road.
